(defun my-ecb-toggle-windows() "Toggle visibility of ecb windows and switsch cursor" (interactive) (ecb-toggle-ecb-windows) (ecb-goto-window-methods)) (defun my-ecb-prev-tree-item() (interactive) (forward-line -1) (beginning-of-line) (re-search-forward tree-buffer-incr-searchpattern-indent-prefix nil t)) (defun my-ecb-next-tree-item() (interactive) (forward-line +1) (beginning-of-line) (re-search-forward tree-buffer-incr-searchpattern-indent-prefix nil t)) (defun my-ecb-select-tree-item() (interactive) (tree-buffer-select 0 nil nil nil)) (defun my-ecb-quit-window() (interactive) (ecb-toggle-ecb-windows 0)) (defun tip-of-the-day () "Displays help output of a random symbol." (interactive) (random t) ;; seed with time-of-day (with-output-to-temp-buffer "*Tip of the day*" (let* ((commands (loop for s being the symbols when (commandp s) collect s)) (command (nth (random (length commands)) commands))) (princ (concat "Your tip for the day is:\n" "========================\n\n" (describe-function command) "\n\nInvoke with:\n\n" (with-temp-buffer (where-is command t) (buffer-string))))))) (defun count-words-in-buffer() "Counts the number of words in the current buffer and displays\n\ the result in the minibuffer." (interactive) (save-excursion (let ((count 0)) (goto-char (point-min)) (while (< (point) (point-max)) (forward-word 1) (setq count (1+ count))) (message "The current buffer contains %d words." count)))) (defun hungry-kill-line() "Kill the rest of the current line and the whitespaces at the beginnng of the next line." (interactive) (kill-line) (delete-horizontal-space)) ;; Appointments: (defvar my-show-appt-running-process nil "Points to the running my-show-appt process or nil.") (defun my-show-appt (min-to-app new-time appt-msg) "Show appointment in external program" (setq my-show-appt-running-process (start-process "my-show-appt" nil "/suse/home/rbreu/bin/show_message.py" "-t" "Do you have a date?" "--fgcolor" "white" "--bgcolor" "black" "-i" "/suse/home/rbreu/bilder/harkness_small2.png" "-b" (format "\n%s" appt-msg) "-T" "Ecalendar" "-y" "0" "-x" "1130"))) (defun my-show-appt-kill () (signal-process (process-id my-show-appt-running-process) 'SIGINT)) ;;Skeletons (define-skeleton python-openfile-skeleton "Inserts file open" "File name: " "try:" \n "f = open('" str "')" \n _ \n "except OSError:" (indent-for-tab-command) \n "print 'Sorry.'") (define-skeleton html-precode-skeleton "Inserts
" nil "
  _ \n
" (indent-for-tab-command) \n ) (define-skeleton latex-frame-skeleton "Inserts \begin{frame}...\end{frame}" "Title: " "\\begin{frame}{" str "}" \n _ \n "\\end{frame}" (indent-for-tab-command) \n ) (define-skeleton latex-listing-skeleton "Inserts \begin{lstlisting}...\end{lstlisting}" "Style: " "\\begin{lstlisting}[style=" str "]\n" _ \n "\\end{lstlisting}" (indent-for-tab-command) \n ) (define-skeleton latex-itemize-skeleton "Inserts \begin{itemize}...\end{itemize}" nil "\\begin{itemize}" \n "\\item " _ \n "\\end{itemize}" (indent-for-tab-command) \n ) (provide 'rbutils)